Sunday, March 28, 2010

Washington Capitals vs. Calgary Flames Preview

Its 2:35 I am eating a slice of Papa Johns Pizza, Drinking a Molson Golden, and have season 2 of the Shield on right now. Getting ready for the game at 3. The Caps are moving closer to home ice advantage. Alex Ovechkin has two goals and three assists in three games against Calgary. After Semyon Varlamov suffered his fourth straight loss Thursday, Jose Theodore could start for the Capitals. Theodore has a 1.95 GAA during his seven-game winning streak, and is 5-1-0 with a 2.11 GAA in home games against the Flames. Also the rowdy Canadian Fans at the Phone Booth today will make the game atmosphere awesome. Will check back in with post game thoughts and will be tweeting during the game.

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